Customizing Login Guide

You can customize the login screen both visually and functionally.

You can also replace it entirely by providing your own adapter.

Login Screen Example


In your client configuration (src/client/config.js) you can override certain aspects of the login:

  auth: {
    ui: {
      title: 'Welcome to Company',
      stamp: 'custom-build version 1234'

Adding fields

You can set your own fields:

  auth: {
    ui: {
      fields: [{
        tagName: 'input',
        attributes: {
          name: 'username',
          type: 'text',
          placeholder: 'Username'
      }, {
        tagName: 'input',
        attributes: {
          name: 'password',
          type: 'password',
          placeholder: 'Password'
      }, {
        tagName: 'select',
        attributes: {
          name: 'provider'
        choices: [{
          value: 'company-1',
          label: 'Company 1'
       }, {
          value: 'company-2',
          label: 'Company 2'
      }, {
        tagName: 'input',
        attributes: {
          type: 'submit',
          value: 'Login'

Customizing styles

By default the login container uses the DOM id #osjs-login, which you can override in your configuration:

  auth: {
    ui: {
      id: 'custom-osjs-login'

You can now add your own styles to src/client/index.scss.

You can also add a logo via configuration and customize via CSS:

Login Logo Example

import logo from '../logo.png';

  auth: {
    ui: {
      logo: {
        position: 'top', // top, bottom, left, right
        src: logo
.osjs-login-logo {
 /* Your style here */


You can also replace the default UI with your own:

Note that you can use your src/client/index.html file to add HTML content instead of programmatically adding via DOM.


Extend the default adapter in for example src/client/custom-login.js:

import {Login} from '@osjs/client';

export default class MyCustomLogin extends Login {
  render() {
    // Set a custom class name
    this.$container.className = 'my-custom-login';

    // Add your HTML content
    this.$container.innerHTML = 'Put your content here';

    // Bind the events
    this.on('login:start', () => console.log('Currently trying to log in...'));
    this.on('login:stop', () => console.log('Login was aborted or stopped'));
    this.on('login:error', (message, exception) => console.error('An error occured while logging in', message, exception));

    // To submit a login form (ex when you press a button):
    this.emit('login:post', {
      username: 'foo',
      password: 'bar'

You can add your own styles in src/client/index.scss:

.my-custom-login {
  background: #fff;
  color: #000;


In your client bootstrap script (src/client/config.js), update the authentication service provider:

import MyCustomLogin from './custom-login.js';

osjs.register(AuthServiceProvider, {
  before: true,
  args: {
    login: (core, options) => new MyCustomLogin(core, options)
OS.js Web Desktop - © Anders Evenrud <>

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